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Fall Prevention Exercise

Fall prevention exercises aim to reduce fall risk and improve balance, strength, flexibility, and coordination.

What You May Expect?

During the exercise session, the patient can expect a thorough assessment to identify the current physical condition, including strength, balance, flexibility, posture, gait, and any existing medical conditions. This evaluation helps the physiotherapist understand your specific needs and design a personalized exercise plan. The plan may include a combination of balance exercises, strength training, and flexibility exercises.

The physiotherapist may also provide education and awareness about fall risk factors, how to recognize potential hazard, and strategies to prevent falls in your daily life.

What exercises to expect?

  • Balance Training: Fall prevention exercises often focus on improving balance through various activities. It involves a series of exercises and activities designed to enhance your body’s stability and equilibrium. The goal of balance training is to improve your ability to control your body’s position, reduce the risk of falls, and perform daily activities with confidence.
  • Strength Building: These exercises target key muscle groups, particularly those in the lower body, to enhance stability and control. You might engage in exercises like squats, lunges, leg raises, and resistance training using bands or weights.
  • Functional Movements: These are exercises or activities that mimic everyday actions and movements you perform as part of your daily life. These movements involve multiple muscle groups and joints working together to accomplish tasks and navigate your environment. The primary purpose of functional movements is to enhance your ability to perform real-world activities safely, efficiently, and with improved coordination and strength.

With consistent effort and dedication, a gradual transformation unfolds, unveiling enhanced balance, amplified strength, refined coordination, and a newfound sense of assurance in your every movement. The ultimate aim is to diminish the specter of falls, while concurrently elevating the tapestry of your existence. As time unfurls its chapters, you’ll find yourself emboldened by this journey, as it weaves together a fabric of resilience and vitality, fostering a life imbued with confidence and a heightened quality of being.

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